Join an Activity



The procedure for joining an activity is quite straightforward


If you are available to attend any of our ENROLMENT DAYS then you will likely see an activity leader or representative with whom you can discuss the particular activity in which you are interested.  Most probably then you should be able to arrange with the leader either to become a participant in that activity or have a trial attendance.

On the other hand a representative might not be available at the particular enrolment day you are there. Alternatively you may not be able to make any of the enrolment days. Another situation may arise at another time of the year when, as an existing member, you may decide that you would like to attend an activity. If any of these cases apply you should telephone or email the leader to ascertain the position. This applies too in the case if you become a new member during the course of the year.

It may be that the leader will advise you that it is fine for you to attend even on a trial basis. On the other hand the activity might well have its full complement of participants. In this case the leader will be happy to take your details and advise you if and when there is any change in circumstance. On other occasions a leader might also tell you that the activity is a particularly structured one that requires participants to attend from the first session and continue through. In that situation obviously it is not possible to join mid-term. The leader may take your details if there is a prospect of the particular course being repeated.

The activity leader’s decision is final.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot find a place in the activity of your choice why not become a leader yourself? In that case visit our HOW TO HELP page

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